
e-Cont.md Service features

Diginet News

Electronic invoicing. Import, Export and Storage of invoices for payment in the cloud. Convenient Personal Account. Localization for the Republic of Moldova. Extensive list of Integrations with external IT systems. Convenient tariff system, including a free package. Documentation center.

Accounts Payable Automation

Accounts Payable Automation

Diginet News

Accounts Payable Automation allows you to receive electronic invoices for payment, approve invoices for payment, process information about payments, reconcile invoices with payments and have access to reports.

Accounts Receivable Automation

Accounts Receivable Automation

Diginet News

Automation of the process of collecting and managing Commercial Accounts Receivable is a complex procedure that consists of the following aspects. 1) Billing. 2) Collection of invoices for payment. 3) Accepting payments. 4) Remittance processing. 5) Drawing up reconciliation acts. 6) Tracking and forecasting.

What are MOTO payments?

What are MOTO payments?

MOTO payments (Mail Order Telephone Order) mean accepting orders without the physical presence of the buyer, for example, by phone, e-mail or fax. Payment by bank card occurs in accordance with the requirements of PCI DSS, when the full number of the buyer’s bank card is unknown to the seller.

Recommendations for the safe use of payment cards in a physical environment

Card protection when using ATMs

Diginet News

Managing the PIN code and other codes/passwords. Applying certain value limits of daily transactions made with the payment card. Applying precautionary measures when using the payment card. Activation of notification services regarding the transactions performed. Safe maintenance of payment card.

PHP programmer required – freelancer

Diginet News
Требования:– обязательные навыки – хорошее знание PHP 5.x и MySQL 5.x– навыки Front End разработки– опыт работы с Bootstrap v3.x (http://getbootstrap.com) и jQuery (http://jquery.com/)– понимание работы с шаблонизаторами (Twig —…

Yii programmer required – freelancer

Diginet News
Требования: – обязательные навыки — хорошее знание PHP и Yii навыки Front End разработки – опыт работы с шаблонизаторами – желателен опыт использования любого MVС / JS фреймворка Желательно: иметь…

WordPress programmer required – freelancer

Diginet News
Tasks: website development on WordPress Requirements: required skills – good knowledge of PHP and WordPressFront End development skills and layout of WordPress templatesskills of connecting WordPress functionality to a ready-made…