Why the data about visits to the website of our web analytics server may differ from the readings in Google Analytics or other web analytics servers. To browse Internet sites, a person uses an Internet browser that accepts cookies. Our server uses “own / primary cookie” technology (1-st party cookie technology).
If on the client side there is a ban on the use of cookies, then for identification we use the IP of the site visitor. In addition, you must ensure that the tracking code from our site has been embedded on all pages for which you wish to conduct web analytics.
We compared the statistics provided by Google Analytics and our analytics server and found that on significant web traffic, in general, the visit statistics of Google Analytics differ from ours by no more than 5%.
Conservative accounting is usually the preferred option, as it allows you to keep track of only “live” site visitors.
In any case, if you need to compare site statistics for the current period of time with statistics for the previous period, then for comparison, we recommend using the same web analytics engine.
Conservative accounting is usually the preferred option, as it allows you to keep track of only “live” site visitors. In any case, if you need to compare site statistics for the current period of time with statistics for the previous period, then for comparison, we recommend using the same web analytics engine.
If statistics from Diginet Analytics Solution differ significantly from statistics obtained from other web analytics services, thenHere is a list of possible reasons:
The identification of visitors is carried out in different ways
Our server uses a javascript based tracking code and keeps track of unique visitors using “first party cookies” and a heuristic algorithm for recognizing site visitors.
Some other web analytics tools use either cookies only, IP only, or a combination of both.
We made sure that the website visitor tracking code on our analytics server provides high accuracy and allows only real (live) website visitors to be counted.
Different methods of tracking site visitors (Tracking method)
Some web analytics programs (solutions) can take into account ALL the traffic of the site, including search robots or spambots.
For example, our analytics server has fairly strict filters that allow us to ignore visits to spambots.
The total number of bots that are filtered by our analytics system is about 300 and this list is constantly updated.
Spam bots and search robots are recorded in different ways
By default, our web analytics server uses which automatically records only “real” human activity and excludes Spam Bots and Spiders tracking. This leads to more accurate reports. For example, if you see a relatively large discrepancy between our readings and Google Analytics readings (over 5%), then you might want to check the “Robot Filtering” settings in Google Analytics and exclude sessions made by robots.
Parameters in web analytics statistics differ
Our web analytics server keeps track of the following parameters “page views” (page views), unique visitors (unique visitors), visits (visits), which show smaller numbers compared to the numbers that the indicator “sessions” has.
In addition, here are useful articles on how Google keeps track of such statistics and why some parameters differ in Google in different solutions from Google.
- “The difference between clicks, sessions, users, logins, page views, and unique page views”
- “Reports have a different number of logins and sessions”
- “Differences Between AdWords Clicks and Google Analytics Sessions”
- “Common Questions About AdWords Clicks and Google Analytics Sessions”
Where exactly is the web analytics tracking code
When the web analytics tracking code is at the end of a page, the page view is registered only when the page has been fully loaded.
In addition, some web analytics programs may also consider “canceled” requests for page downloads, for example, when a visitor clicks on the “back” button before the page is fully displayed on the browser screen.
This is why we recommend inserting tracking codes at the bottom of the page, just before the closing tag.
Support for “DoNotTrack” option
Our analytics server takes into account the DoNotTrack setting. If a site visitor in his browser in the “Privacy” tab has the settings “Do not track me”, then our web analytics server will not collect information about this visitor. In this case, information on this visitor will not be included in the reports on the statistics of visits.