This document is not a complete guide, but a desire to acquaint with the basic principles that reduce the likelihood of chargebacks for an Internet store.

Operational work of the online store

  • Provide accurate, concise product descriptions and detailed, high-quality images on your site.
    If applicable, indicate the dimensions, weight and color of the product.
    The aim is to avoid arguments that the buyer did not expect the product to be too large (or too small), or too heavy (or too light) in weight, in the wrong color, and therefore not suitable.
  • Provide details of the shipping process
    Indicate the expected delivery time, when the item will be shipped and when it should arrive.
  • Provide contact information for clients: phone number and E-mail
  • Customer support service
    Answer phone calls, emails and, where possible, offer 24/7 support.
  • Try to send a product or start providing a service BEFORE the moment you withdraw money from the payer’s bank card.
  • Payments from a bank card that has not passed the “3D Secure” procedure (Verified By Visa or MasterCard Secure Code) are potentially the payments with “an increased level of risk”.
    You may need to additionally contact the payer by phone to make sure that this is a bona fide payer and that he / she understands and wants to buy exactly what is indicated in the order.
    Also clarify the payer’s address, delivery address, and that delivery may take some time.
    If the cost of delivery is not included in the order price, then inform the payer about it.
  • If possible, consider a “no questions” asked return policy.
  • If you have regular payments, then, if possible, provide for the possibility of “no additional conditions” cancellation.
  • Use proof of delivery to prevent an “item not delivered” event.
  • Implement additional security measures for digital goods
    for example, for the first download of a file, you must enter a “one-time confirmation code” (date and time, IP)

Technical highlights

Security measures

  • The site must have an SSL/TLS certificate implemented
  • Minimum privileges for users (customers, employees of the online store, administrators)
  • Regular testing of all components of the online store website
  • Using technical means such as Web Application Firewall (WAF) and protection against DDoS attacks
  • Conducting regular security audits