Delivery of One-Time Password as voice message via phone call

What are One-Time Password (OTP) for?

  • Business protection from fraudsters

    Protect your services or personal account from unauthorized actions and prevent financial and reputation losses

  • Phone number verification

    Check phone numbers to make sure you’re reaching out to “real customers”.
    Minimize fraud and clean up the database of “fake or inactive users”.

  • Automatic authorization in your personal account

    Verify customers and their actions with one-time codes, such as 4 or 5 digits by voice over the phone.
    To receive the code, the client must answer the call and listen to the code. “The robots won’t pass.”

  • Passwordless authentication

    We get rid of old or lost passwords and authenticate users with one-time codes sent through a call.

  • Anti-fraud

    We reduce suspicious activity and block fraudsters before they cause any harm.
    Preventing account hijacking and improving security.
    It can be used in case of suspicious activity in the personal account.

  • This is the only chance to send a code to landline phones

    in case the client does not have a smartphone.

  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication

How it works

  • The customer enters a phone number on your website

    The script calls the API of our service and passes the client number and a 4 or 5 digit code.

  • Our platform makes a call to a client

    In a voice message, our service dictates a one-time code and returns the call status to you.
    An example of a voice message with a one-time code [Listen]

Listen a demo voice message on the site

Make a test call

A call to a client can be made in 2 ways:

  • either from the SIP phone number of our service

    in this case, if the client has any questions, he will not be able to call back to the number from which the call was made

  • or from a SIP number owned by your company

    In this case, the Client will immediately receive your contact and will be able to call him back.

During the call, the authorization code can be repeated one or several times so that the user can clearly hear it and do not forget for sure.

  • The client enters the code on the site

    The client enters the received code into the field.
    If the code matches the dictated one, then the steps are implemented according to the “success scenario”, for example, a site visitor is authorized in the system.

Which businesses can benefit from 2-Step Verification?

  • authorizing clients in the personal account

    for example, Delivery of one-time codes in case of suspicious activity or to prevent unauthorized access to personal information

  • Banks and financial institutions

    • To confirm transfers and transactions for large amounts
    • To register or recover the access password in mobile banking
  • Online stores, retail and trade networks

    • Notification for automatic order confirmation
    • To confirm the payment (and then, order processing)
  • Passenger transportation services

    • Alert for automatic order confirmation
    • To confirm payment (and then, issue a ticket)
    • To confirm the deduction of gift points and miles

Overview. One-time password delivery methods

  • SMS authorization
    The classic way of sending one-time codes, which has become familiar to most customers.
    The user receives an SMS message with a password, after which he enters it on the site or in the application.

    • High openness
      SMS is a channel with maximum openness, so the client will see the message immediately after receiving it. This will ensure a high percentage of successful registrations and authorizations.
    • Own signature
      You can also add your alphanumeric sender name so that the client can be sure that it was you who sent the message.
  • Voice message with one-time code (password)
    The client receives a call. When you pick up the handset, the answering machine dictates a combination of numbers. This one-time code delivery method is often used as an alternative to SMS.

    • Delivery to landline phones is possible
      this is the only chance to send a code to landline phones in case the client does not have a smartphone.